Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Inclusion = Gratitude: Women's HH&NH ❀♀♥ Thanksgiving Newsletter

Dear Women's Holistic Health & Natural Healing ❀♀♥ Friends & Fans,

At a time in history when we are learning more about ourselves and those around us at the speed of a nano-second, Thanksgiving is the perfect holiday to slow down, meditate on inclusion, and create ever-more wholeness in our intentions and actions.

Slowing down provides us the opportunity to evaluate how our actions, and even our thoughts, affect our individual health of body, mind, heart, spirit, and soul, as well as the health of our family, friends, neighbors, community, and even the earth.

Meditating on inclusion as a primary life goal reminds us as much to include a diverse array of healing foods in our diet, as being sensitive and respectful to our elders, other ways of living, and those that society marginalizes.

Acting on wholeness means that we have considered the larger picture of our lives and the history which we create in each and every moment--and that we are committed to choosing the wisest, most well-rounded, sustainable, life-giving action we can, in any given moment.

On Thanksgiving, we remember that it can take many generations to heal conflict and wounds of the past, whether familial or cross-cultural.

However, Thanksgiving also provides us many excellent reminders, opportunities, and 'teachable', in addition to 'learnable', moments...that show us we have have the power to heal the past and embrace a new future of inclusion, gratitude, and wholeness as the foundation of our personal, as well as communal, lives.

Happy, Healthy, Holistic Thanxgiving to all!!


Song: My Oh My

Artist: Slade
Listen/Watch: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zm6npiXaotA

I believe in woman, my oh my...

I believe in lovin', my oh my...

We all need someone to talk to, my oh my...

You need a shoulder to cry on, call me I'll be standing by...

Yah, a whole lot of lovin', my oh my... So, let's all sing together, my oh my Yah, let's all pull together, my oh my

Happy Thanksgiving !! ♫*♫*♫