Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Saturday, December 26, 2009

The Gift of Womanhood ~ Happy Holidays 2009!

Dear Women's Holistic Health & Natural Healing ❀♀♥ Friends,

Work. Home. Exercise. Shopping. Cleaning. Cooking. Gardening. Carpool. Dirty Diapers. Homework. Family. In-Laws. Pets. Medical Appointments. Birthdays. Holidays. Anniversaries. Decorating. Wrapping. Straightening up the wrapping!

When, oh when...
Do we have time to celebrate, to appreciate, to meditate on being women?

What does being a woman mean to you?

Regardless of what your definition of womanhood is, each of us reserves the right to cultivate and celebrate our womanhood as we see fit.

We spend so much of our time trying to look good, put on a smiley face : ) or controlling our womanhood for others (aah) !! Bras, girdles, tiny shoes, hair goo, hair bands, razors, waxing, tampons, douches, body sprays, makeup, fitness products, short skirts, long skirts, whatever the latest trend is--you name it, it's out there to help us look, smell, seem prettier, sexier, and yes, more 'womanly'!

Yet often in that process, our truest sense of womanhood, one that is defined personally by each woman, in harmony with her own, body, mind, heart, spirit and soul, according to her own rhythms, cycles, and sensibilities, and in connection with her deepest, truest self, is lost in the process.

My wish for you, for all of us, as women, in 2010 is that we become more 'Womanly' in all matters of life and love! In whatever ways are right for each of us...

I thank each of you for the gift of your womanly support in this group and for ALL that you do on this Earth, both that which is easily embraced by others AND the tiny, miracles of light, love, and peace you make in our world on a daily, basis.

Happy Holidays, Women, Ladies, Gals, Girls, Lasses, Daughters, Mothers, Sisters, Aunts, Nieces, Friends!

Here's to Womanhood in 2010~


Click Here To Join Women's Holistic Health & Natural Healing ❀♀♥ !!

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Link Highlights

The Age of Invisibility
Holiday Folktales of Womanhood
A Feminist Letter to Santa
Yoga For Conception
Improving Your Swimming Stroke
Isabel Allende Tells Tales of Passion (VIDEO) / A must-watch!
The Wandering Uterus
Yoga T-shirts, Stickers & More-Cafe Press
Oxytocin, The Cure-All
Alaina Reed, Sesame Street's Olivia
Female Sage Tea
Women's Dong Quai Tonic For Hot Flashes
MotherNature.com Menopause Remedies
How To Treat Menopause With Aromatherapy
Hot Flash Remedies Discussion
Climate Change: Are Women The Solution?
Empowering Your Intentions Workshop (Energy Tools & Aromatherapy)
Zrii Ayurveda Drinks & Business Opportunity
Herb Woman / The Home Herbalist
Conversation With Michelle Obama-Women's Health Magazine
Thyroid Cancer Survior
Breast Cancer Gene & Infertility
Using Water For Labor & Birth
My Best Birth - Ricki Lake's Birthing Community
Nine Ways To Manage Labor Without Drugs
Shop to Support SHE / Lunapads Blog
Zimbabwe Basket Fund Takes Off
How To Grow & Care For Roses Just Like Granny

Thursday, December 17, 2009

❀♀♥ News 12/17/09: Red Raspberry Leaf Tea / Women's Healing Holiday Gifts

Dear Women's Holistic Health & Natural Healing ❀♀♥ Friends,

Red Raspberry Leaf Tea

Recently, I have received many inquiries regarding healing the breasts, uterus, and ovaries. In times of stress, it is quite common to develop inconsistencies in breast tissue, menstrual flow, and uterine sensitivity. One of the oldest, most utilized herbs for healing discomfort associated with female organs is red raspberry leaf tea. It also is commonly used to heal breast and uterine fibroids, aid pregnancy and delivery comfort, strengthen and tonify the uterus, heal mucous membranes, reduce inflammation, strengthen bone composition, relieve menopausal symptoms and boost the female immune system. Red raspberry leaf can be grown, purchased loose, ordered in bulk or bought from any number of tea companies as a single herb tea or in combination with other herbs.

Women's Healing & The Holidays

As many people are enjoying and preparing for more holidays, as well as thinking of last minute gifts to give, please consider giving the gift of time and making donations to individuals and organizations in need. For those who wish to give the gift of health & life through Women's Natural Healing & Education, here are a couple of wonderful, unique, suggestions:

~Betty Hoops Dance Therapy
Learn from 4x Guinness Book World Record Hula Hooper, Betty Hoops. Sport training, yoga, and easy dance moves guide you through a low impact, high energy workout. Safely weighted and sized hoops are provided for maximum benefit and comfort. Colorful, easy to use, and fun for the whole family! Workouts provide mental focus, structural alignment, muscle efficiency, and greater awareness of mind-body connection! Be sure to book your Hoop Dance Training, Retreat, order your 4 Rhythm Hoop Dance DVD, Travel Dance Hoop, and Kids Craft Kit, today!

~Betti Pot / Resort Yoga
The Betti Pot (tm), the Better Neti, is the only completely, non-toxic, eco-friendly sinus cleaning system. Artesian handmade in America from high fired porcelain in a variety of beautiful colorful glazes. Clean your sinus and wash away virus, bacteria, puffy eyes and stress! The gift of breathing! Perfect Holiday gift special: Free Apothecary Refillable Bottle of Sea Salt and free shipping! Also, be sure to take your 'Yoga Vitamins' with simple postures in a set sequences of four, when you book your Resort Yoga and travel adventure with Isabella Jones, inventor of the Betti Pot, today!


Jennifer A. Sachs
Holistic Health Coach & Consultant
Women's & Community Holistic Wellness Educator