Dear Friends,
Some weeks, it is helpful to start off with a doubly-strong start. For those who are members of Holistic Health & Natural Healing, as well as Women's Holistic Health & Natural Healing, you are receiving one message of healing & hope from each group, this evening.
Why, you might ask?
Two, reasons:
ONE-Because of the Haiti outreach work I have been participating in I did not have a chance to send the Women's Holistic Health & Natural Healing good vibes message last week. So...something is askew in the feminine ether that is causing me to feel I just can't begin another week, much less wait until the middle of the week, to send last week's message ;*)
TWO-The last 3 weeks have been filled with such great despair, sadness, and suffering for the people of Haiti and those of us around the world who have watched the effects of the quake; worked together to insure the best possible outcome for those affected by it; and sent extra blessings for speedy healing from what truly is a universal tragedy. In times of heartache and pain we *ALL* need extra love and support to continue healing ourselves and the world around us.
And how much more so, as women, we often stop our lives to care for those in need. We feel, deep within ourselves, the desire, the passion, the drive to soothe the wounds of the world. Perhaps it is nature causing this-the inner womb we all have that is an 'ocean of healing & rebirth' unto itsself. Perhaps it is nurture-we are taught from a young age to tend others in a familial and communal manner. What is certain, either way, is that insodoing, we often, internalize the experiences of others, taking on their issues, as if they were our own.
Curiously, we often are told to ignore this inner sensitivity-our inner wisdom-in favor of more 'logic'-driven approaches to life. We are told that we are too emotional, sensitive, neurotic, overly-caring. We are told not to take on the needs of others'...yet, at the same time we are expected to take them on; often feel empty if we do not; and are sorely, judged if we stand back to seek even brief, respite for self. After all, who will do our work if we do not? Of course, all of humanity is rebirthed by womankind and most of the worlds' communities are led by women...What could be more 'logical' than making certain that humanity is safe, nourished in body & soul, and well cared for?
Surely, what we find about the Haiti tragedy is that the earth, our 'planetary womb' we live in continues to speak to us. When Mother Earth & her inhabitants experience trauma, we all experience it together therefore, we must listen together to the call for change, and must heal together in this process.
What if we lived in a world where the bounties of the earth were fully embraced? What if the needs, desires, and passions of women were paid, respected, and appreciated as well as those of men? Perhaps, as women, it is our destiny to create this fuller, consciousness: to empathize through our inner sensitivities with the universal needs of others; to utilize our women's wisdom to insure that all of humanity is loved; to cultivate a world--this world, where we, as women, and all creatures, live in harmony with our bodies, minds, spirits, and souls; where once, again, we are connected with our own wombs of healing & rebirth, as well as the great womb of Mother Earth that we share--but with greater awareness than ever before.
Let us start the week by remembering that Haiti's women, girls, grandmothers, mothers, daughters, sisters, aunts, nieces, cousins and friends...need us now, more than ever. At the same time, we must be extra, careful about making time to release our sorrow and grief rather than let it grow inside of us. As women, we commune together, grieve together, birth together, even go 'on our moon' together. We also, must be diligent throughout life to insure that we create time to experience joy, contentment, and laughter together. Laughter is surely the best medicine.
With that, I offer you a bit of comedy to inspire and uplift the soul of a woman. It is well worth the watch ♥
The Guy With A Good Attitude Toward Menstruation
Jennifer A. Sachs
Holistic Health Coach & Consultant
Women's & Community Holistic Wellness Educator
Help Heal Haiti's Women!