Sunday, January 31, 2010

To Heal The Earth Is To Heal Humanity's Womb

Dear Friends,

Some weeks, it is helpful to start off with a doubly-strong start. For those who are members of Holistic Health & Natural Healing, as well as Women's Holistic Health & Natural Healing, you are receiving one message of healing & hope from each group, this evening.

Why, you might ask?

Two, reasons:

ONE-Because of the Haiti outreach work I have been participating in I did not have a chance to send the Women's Holistic Health & Natural Healing good vibes message last week. So...something is askew in the feminine ether that is causing me to feel I just can't begin another week, much less wait until the middle of the week, to send last week's message ;*)

TWO-The last 3 weeks have been filled with such great despair, sadness, and suffering for the people of Haiti and those of us around the world who have watched the effects of the quake; worked together to insure the best possible outcome for those affected by it; and sent extra blessings for speedy healing from what truly is a universal tragedy. In times of heartache and pain we *ALL* need extra love and support to continue healing ourselves and the world around us.

And how much more so, as women, we often stop our lives to care for those in need. We feel, deep within ourselves, the desire, the passion, the drive to soothe the wounds of the world. Perhaps it is nature causing this-the inner womb we all have that is an 'ocean of healing & rebirth' unto itsself. Perhaps it is nurture-we are taught from a young age to tend others in a familial and communal manner. What is certain, either way, is that insodoing, we often, internalize the experiences of others, taking on their issues, as if they were our own.

Curiously, we often are told to ignore this inner sensitivity-our inner wisdom-in favor of more 'logic'-driven approaches to life. We are told that we are too emotional, sensitive, neurotic, overly-caring. We are told not to take on the needs of others'...yet, at the same time we are expected to take them on; often feel empty if we do not; and are sorely, judged if we stand back to seek even brief, respite for self. After all, who will do our work if we do not? Of course, all of humanity is rebirthed by womankind and most of the worlds' communities are led by women...What could be more 'logical' than making certain that humanity is safe, nourished in body & soul, and well cared for?

Surely, what we find about the Haiti tragedy is that the earth, our 'planetary womb' we live in continues to speak to us. When Mother Earth & her inhabitants experience trauma, we all experience it together therefore, we must listen together to the call for change, and must heal together in this process.

What if we lived in a world where the bounties of the earth were fully embraced? What if the needs, desires, and passions of women were paid, respected, and appreciated as well as those of men? Perhaps, as women, it is our destiny to create this fuller, consciousness: to empathize through our inner sensitivities with the universal needs of others; to utilize our women's wisdom to insure that all of humanity is loved; to cultivate a world--this world, where we, as women, and all creatures, live in harmony with our bodies, minds, spirits, and souls; where once, again, we are connected with our own wombs of healing & rebirth, as well as the great womb of Mother Earth that we share--but with greater awareness than ever before.

Let us start the week by remembering that Haiti's women, girls, grandmothers, mothers, daughters, sisters, aunts, nieces, cousins and friends...need us now, more than ever. At the same time, we must be extra, careful about making time to release our sorrow and grief rather than let it grow inside of us. As women, we commune together, grieve together, birth together, even go 'on our moon' together. We also, must be diligent throughout life to insure that we create time to experience joy, contentment, and laughter together. Laughter is surely the best medicine.

With that, I offer you a bit of comedy to inspire and uplift the soul of a woman. It is well worth the watch ♥

The Guy With A Good Attitude Toward Menstruation


Jennifer A. Sachs
Holistic Health Coach & Consultant
Women's & Community Holistic Wellness Educator

Help Heal Haiti's Women!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The Women of Haiti Need Our Help! A List Of Resources

*This note is written by a woman, about women, to help the women of Haiti but *MEN*, we deeply & wholly, *NEED* your support, strength, & solidarity, as well! Please read below and learn how to help the women of Haiti & the women you most care for in your own life. We all are connected, need each other, must work together to heal ourselves, our Earth, our global community.
Thank you for your support, respect, action and love of all humanity. ~Jennifer

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Dear Friends,

So often, as women, we are busy fighting for equality--to be paid, treated, and respected the same as men--that we forget to value our bodies, minds, hearts, and spirits from a female perspective.

Now, more than ever, it is imperative for us to connect with ourselves, as women, and envision the plight of Haitian women who may be pregnant, nursing, post-partum, or menstruating. They may have lost children, spouses, partners, whole families, pregnancies.

Tent cities have sprung up and while, reports from Haiti have been peaceful mostly, without alot of interpersonal violence, as the trauma sets in, undoubtedly (though, I wish for just the opposite!) there will be untreated Post-Traumatic Stress that takes root, causing the rates of violence, sexual assault and all forms of abuse to skyrocket.

We-here-now...must take a moment to consider what it would be like as women to face the circumstances Haitian women are experiencing. Perhaps some of us have lived through natural disasters before. Perhaps we have lived through our own, personal disastrous circumstances. Either way, the value of an incredible network of women is irreplaceable.

Many of Haiti's women leaders of change have been lost from within Haiti and the Haitian Diaspora, an imperative piece of Hatian infrastructure and security. Therefore, at this time, we must dig deeper, give more, organize harder, activate in greater ways, and share as if we were experiencing this extreme crisis & catastrophic situation first-hand. There is no, greater motivation than empathy.

The power to help is in our hands. We can hold fundraisers, bake sales, donate portions of income, auction crafts, ask companies to match donations, write music, create art, send quilts, organize community contributions, create accounts for donations from houses of faith...the list is endless and can be as creative as one's own passions to give.

Below is a list of Women's Organizations that work in, around, in support of and with Haiti which provide resources specifically, to women through women's programming. This is not a complete list but is a fairly comprehensive initial list-and will continue to grow. Please post others on our group wall or message me. I will add them to the expanding list. Please circulate this list!

When giving, please give sustainably-commit even small amounts for a month, a year, 5 years. We see the change in our own lives & spirits from the help we provide to others. The women of Haiti need our love, support, and for their womanhood to be cherished.

We must work together to help fill in the gap.

In solidarity and hope for Haiti's future,

*Women's Organizations & Programs For Women of Haiti*

Alternative Chance

Amnesty International

Amplify Your Voice

Association Women Sun of Haiti (AFASDA)
Tel: 509.431.4089

Asosiyasyon Fanm Ayisyen nan Boston (AFAB)


Tel: 509.246.2886

Centre for Specialized Education
Tel: 509.222.21.54 or 257.2738 or 554.4376



Carma Foundation

Tel: 509.246.3496

Code Pink For Peace

Consulat Général de la République D'Haïti à New York
Haitian Women's Program
Tel: 718.953.4100
Fax: 718.399.0360

Directory of Organizations Working In and For Haiti

Enfofanm+ coordinator of CONAP
Tel: 245.0346
Journalist at Enfofanm
Tel: 509.211.0169

Fanm Yo La
Tel: 509.244.5428 or 509.403.9229

Family Health International

Fanm Ayisyen Nan Miyami

Feminist Peace Network

Foundation des Anciens Eleves de L'Institution Saint-Louis de Gonzague (FASLG)

Gender & Disaster Network

Global AIDS Program
Tel: 509.2511.1460
Tel: 509.2942.0321

Global Fund For Women

Global Fund For Women Partners:
Fondation TOYA

Organisation Femmes Victimes de Solino

Kodinasyon Solidarité Fanm Djanm Sid

Mouvman Peyizan Papay/Fanm MPP

Global Women's Strike

Grassroots International

Haitian American Organization for Women, Inc.

Haitian Women for Haitian Refugees
Tel: 718.735.4660
Tel: 718.735.4664

Industrial Workers of The World


International Gay & Lesbian Rights Commission

Jhpiego, An Affiliate of Johns Hopkins University

Kay Famn (part of CONAP)
Tel: 509.245.5174


Lambi Fund Of Haiti

Lig Pouvwa Fanm
Tel: 509.22.3035
Tel: 509.45.8200

MADRE - Haiti
Tel: 212.627.0444
Tel: 212.675.3704 or International, Inc.
Tel: 613.728.1439
Tel: 613.728.1154

Ministère de la Condition Féminine et des Droits des Femmes
Tel: 509.224-962 or 509.224-969

Movement of Haitian women for Development and Education (MOUFHED)
Tel: 509.245.8570

Movimiento De Mujeres Dominico-Haitanas

Ms. Foundation For Women
Haiti Earthquake Guide To Giving

National Coalition for Haitian Rights (Coalition Nationale pour les Droits des Haitiens)
Tel: 212.337.0005

National Council of Jewish Women

National Council of Negro Women

National Council of Women of Haiti (Conseil National de Femmes d'Haiti)
Umbrella organisation
BP 1082, Port-Au-Prince, Haiti

National Organization For Women

Pan American Development Foundation (PADF)
Tel: 509.246.3938
Fax: 509.246.07 86

Partners In Health

Partners In Health Women's Clinic In Haiti / Proje Sante Fanm

Peace Women: Women's International League of Peace & Freedom

Poto Mitan


Solidarite Fanm Ayisyen / Solidarity with Haitian Women (SOFA)
Tel: 509 245 44 60
Fax: 509 245 84 77

The Breast Milk Project (Donate Breast Milk to Haiti!)

The Cloth Diaper Report (Donate Diapers To Haiti!)

Tulane-Xavier National Center For Women's Health & Excellence

Haiti Rescue Fund





Vivir Latino

Women's Environment and Development Organization (WEDO)
Tel: 212 973 0325
Fax: 212 973 0335

Women For A Change

Women's Refugee Commission

Women War Peace

*Women's Organizations & Programs For Women of Haiti*
Compiled By:

Jennifer A. Sachs
Jennifer Sachs Holistic Consulting

Thanks to all who work so, diligently, to network & resource for the well-being of all.

♬ Neshama Carlbach: The Lessons Of New Orleans...Applied To The Crisis In Haiti

The Lessons of New Orleans…Applied to the Crisis in Haiti

Dearest Friends,

This Friday morning, I head down to New Orleans to spend a beautiful Shabbat with Rabbi Uri Topolosky and his small but spirited Jewish community in Metarie.

My NOLA Shabbaton will constitute the fourth visit I have made to the region in the past half year as part of my awareness-raising campaign GO YOU FORTH. As I prepare for the Shabbaton, I look forward to davening, singing and learning with Reb Uri and to spending a warm Shabbat with his wife Dahlia and their children, in addition to the members of their kehillah.

Each time I arrive in New Orleans, I am struck by the need to keep focused on the mitzvah of completely restoring the great city of New Orleans because if you stay in the restored French Quarter or the Garden District or other rebuilt areas, it is easy to miss the ongoing devastation.

Four and a half years after Katrina, it is a daunting yet important task to remind people that in the great city of New Orleans, homes still need to be rebuilt. That the food banks have to be kept stocked because people have no money as a result of the national recession.

And that helping people in need is not charity but justice – tzedeka, which comes from the word for justice – tzedek.

When I started GO YOU FORTH last year, it was to keep the consciousness of remembering to respond alive, because it is human nature to forget that others are suffering beyond the initial stage when a breaking news story captures the headlines.

The outpouring of support for the victims of Haiti’s recent hurricane has warmed my heart. From every corner of the world, aid has poured in. Last night, I performed at an Martin Luther King, Jr event that raised funds for Haiti and New Orleans and on Thursday, January 28th, I will be taking the stage with my band and my beautiful choir – The Green Pastures Baptist Choir – to participate in a Jewish community night of music for Haiti at the Stephen Wise Free Synagogue. If you are in NYC, I hope you will come…or donate to the relief effort through the American Jewish World Service.

And if there is any lesson from my work in New Orleans that I can bring to the current humanitarian crisis in Haiti it is the following:

That the need for help and support lasts long after the crisis departs from the front pages and television broadcasts. The need to respond continues far after the camera crews pack up and go home. The disaster becomes a prolonged agony for the victims but the rest of the world tends to move on, for it is human nature to forget and move on…unless you are in the epicenter of the crisis yourself.

So, my friends, I ask you to adopt a consciousness of caring now and in the future. Remember that human beings in Haiti are enduring a living Hell. Recall the tragedy of the still-homeless of New Orleans.

Join me in my GO YOU FORTH campaign, donate to relief efforts for Haiti through the American Jewish World Service (hyperlink) or the organization of your choice and help alleviate human suffering because that is what it means to be human.

All my love,


Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Flipping The Power Script: Promotion of International Understanding To Unite All People Of Color

Promotion of International Understanding
To Unite All People Of Color


United Native Americans is proud to announce that it has purchased the state of California from the whites and is throwing it open for Indian settlement.

UNA bought California from three winos found wandering in San- Francisco. UNA decided the winos were the spokesmen for the white people of California. These winos promptly signed the treaty, which was written in the Lakota language, and sold California for three bottles of wine, one bottle of gin, and four cases of beer.

Lehman L. Brightman, the Commissioner of Caucasian Affairs, has announced the following new policies: The Indians hereby give the whites four large reservations of ten acres each at the following locations: Death Valley, The Utah Salt Flats, The Badlands of South Dakota, and the Yukon in Alaska. These reservations shall belong to the whites 'for as long as the sun shines or the grass grows' (or until the Indians want it back.)

All land on the reservations, of course, will be held in trust for the whites by the Bureau of Caucasian Affairs, and any white who wants to use his land in any way must secure permission from Commissioner Brightman.

Of course, whites will be allowed to sell trades and handicrafts at stands by the highway. Each white will be provided annually with one blanket, one pair of tennis shoes, a supply of Spam, and a copy of 'The Life of Crazy Horse'.

If you are competent enough, you will be able to be a BCA reservation superintendent. Applicants must have less than one year of education, must not speak English, must have an authoritarian personality, proof of dishonesty, and a certificate of incompetence. No whites need apply.

Commissioner Brightman also announced the founding of four boarding schools, to which white youngsters will be sent at the age of six (6). 'We want to take those kids far away from the backward culture of their parents,' he said. The schools will be located on Alcatraz Island, the Florida Everglades, Point Barrow Alaska, and Hong Kong. All courses will be taught in Indian languages, and there will be demerits for any child caught speaking English. All students arriving at the school will immediately be given IQ tests to determine their understanding of Indian language, spirituality and hunting skills.

Hospitals will be established for the reservations as follows: Whites at Death Valley may go to the Bangor, Maine Hospital; those at the Utah Salt Flats may go to the Juneau, Alaska Hospital; those at the Yukon may go to the Miami Beach Hospital; and those at the Badlands may go to the Hospital in Honolulu, Hawaii. Each hospital will have a staff of two part-time doctors and a part-time chiropractor who have all passed first aid tests. And each hospital will be equipped with a scalpel, a jack knife, a saw, a modern tourniquet, and a large bottle of aspirin.

In honor of the whites, many cities, street cars, sports teams and products will be given traditional white names.

One famous Indian movie director has even announced that in his upcoming film, 'Custer's Last Stand', he will use many actual whites to play the parts of the soldiers, speaking real English. But of course, the part of Custer will be played by noted Indian actor Jay Silverheels.

Certain barbaric white customs will, of course, not be allowed. Whites will not be allowed to practice their heathen religions, and will be required to attend Indian ceremonies. Missionaries will be sent from each Indian Nation to convert the whites on the reservations. White churches will either be made into amusement parks or museums, or they will be torn down and the bricks and ornaments sold as novelties, souvenirs and curiosities.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

What Does 'Healthy' Mean...In 200 Words Or Less!

Whole Foods Market and Your Health Matters want to know what does healthy mean to you? Tell us what you think in 20 words or less, and you could win a $200 Whole Foods Market gift certificate.

Organic. Natural. Fresh. Local. Nutritious. Sustainable. Recyclable. Reusable. Renewable. Revitalizing. Herbs. Grains. Greens. Fruits. Vegetables. Markets. Farmers. Soil. Earth. Seeds. Flowers. Trees. Bugs. Birds. Bees. Composting. Gardening. Planting. Sowing. Reaping. Meats. Cheeses. Fish. Dairy. Breads. Oils. Butters. Nuts. Legumes. Beans. Coffee. Tea. Juice. Milk. Water. Balance. Discipline. Flexibility. Work. Play. Self. Family. Neighborhood. Community. World. Food. Exercise. Sleep. Relaxation. Baths. Yoga. Meditation. Aromatherapy. Massage. Feng Shui. Acupuncture. Reiki. Chiropractic. Hypnotherapy. Homeopathy. Cooking. Music. Art. Craft.Theater. Cotton. Cork. Rayon. Hemp. Silk. Recipes. Kitchens. Baking. Cookbooks. Delicious. Sewing. Weaving. Knitting. Crocheting. Darning. Sunshine. Moonshine. Breezes. Raindrops. Rainbows. Mountains. Ocean. Desert. Swamp. Plains. City. Country. Parks. Plazas. Playgrounds. Waterfalls. Water Fountains. Water Parks. Hydroponics. Travel. Leisure. Vacation. Adventure. Growing. Swimming. Camping. Hiking. Sunbathing. Dancing. Skiing. Snowboarding. Snowshoeing. Sledding. Skating. Babies. Kids. Parents. Grandparents. Great-grandparents. Reading. Learning. Academics. Studying. Excelling. Home. School. Work. Date. Shop. Coupons. Sales. BOGOS. Deals. Offers.
Holidays. Saturdays. Sundays. Birthdays. Special Days. Color. Light. Dark. Shading. Neutrals. Pungent. Sweet. Bitter. Sour. Salty. Earth. Air. Fire. Water. Metal. Passion. Excitement. Tenacity. Success. Elation. Gratitude. Respect. Embrace. Divine. Inspiration.


Health. Healing. Holistic. Wholistic. Whole.

Whole Foods.
Whole Kids.
Whole Body.
Whole Mind.
Whole Spirit.